The Arlen Specter US Squash Center allows those who are vaccinated to enter the facility and masks are recommended. Those who are not vaccinated are permitted though masks are recommended. These policies are subject to change, as we continue to monitor updates by the local authorities and CDC.
To update or submit your vaccination please use the link below.
Please share any thoughts you have related to US Squash’s response to COVID-19. Your input remains important to our considerations moving forward.
COVID-19 Policies & Guidelines
OBJECTIVE: To safely and efficiently introduce and extend operations of Arlen Specter US Squash Center facilities and services for its members, community and staff. DISCLAIMER The following guidelines are intended to provide the safest environment for all members, guests, and employees. Any violation of appropriate physical distancing directives or disregard for these guidelines will be taken very seriously by management and the offending party may be subject to immediate suspension of facility privileges. If a member, guest, or employee is identified as having tested positive for the virus after having been at the Center, we will follow CDC recommendations, including notifying those who could have been affected, closing the affected area(s) for as long as practical, and sanitizing those specific areas. More stringent measures and longer closures may be warranted as circumstances and/or guidance mandates. The criteria to open the facility are based on Federal, State and City guidelines established to practice safe social distancing, proper hygiene and sanitizing. Furthermore, the Center follows guidance on best practices from US Squash, medical authorities, and other local clubs. The protocols outlined below are subject to modification based on specific Federal, State, or Local guidelines/parameters. Guests of members will only be permitted to use the facility, provided that they have filled out all documentation, and abide by all guidelines and rules. Parent(s) of minors are allowed to enter the facility to check in their dependent and must provide adequate vaccination information to remain in the facility during their dependent’s court time.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend that individuals should stay home if feel unwell or are experiencing flu-like symptoms such as:
- A fever 100.4 degrees or higher
- Cough or shortness of breath
- Chills and/or muscle pain
- Sore Throat
- Loss of taste or Smell
If you have tested positive for Covid, please do not come to the center until you have been declared as Covid free by a physician.