The Specter Center will temporarily close for court floor renovations, April 22-May 20, as the facility aims to improve the playing experience for the squash community.
Over the course of the Specter Center’s first three years, the courts have seen extensive use from the membership, community programming, Team USA and National Championship events. Following testing and evaluation, the renovations will address improved bounce and court sustainability.
During the closure, Specter Center members will have access to play at the Penn Squash Center from April 29-May 20. Penn courts will be available Monday through Friday from 3pm–9pm and Saturday from 10am–3pm. Penn court bookings will remain on the Specter Center Club Locker reservation system.
All members who play at Penn will be required to sign this waiver before their reservation or upon arrival at the facility. Limited extra racquets and goggles will be available at the desk, however if shoes are needed please email squashpro@spectercenter.org or frontdesk@spectercenter.org by 12:00pm on the day of your reservation. Parking information is available here.
Specter Center Programming will continue to run at Penn throughout the renovation period. Members may sign up for Junior Clinics, Women’s Clinics or Round Robins on the Specter Center Club Locker reservation system here.
We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding during these necessary improvements. We look forward to players returning to upgraded court floors and hosting our annual Member Appreciation night on Thursday, May 23.